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Sisterhood of Discovery Online Women's Circle Fall 2021

Hey sister, how are you? I mean, how are you, really?

Do you feel:
- Like you’re constantly stuck on a hamster wheel, reacting to situations rather than proactively creating the life you want
- Not totally sure of what you want, lost or without direction
- Disconnected from your inner knowing and your soul’s desires
- Out of touch with your innate creativity, sense of curiosity and wonder
- Lonely, unsupported or lacking a sense of community
- Like there is more inside you to give to the world, even if you’re not sure what it is
- That you want to make a more positive impact and contribution to the world around you

If you can relate to any of those statements, then you’re not alone, and the Sisterhood of Discovery is a place where you can find kindred spirits and re-connect more deeply with yourself, and the world around you.

After 6 weeks, you will have:
- a clearer vision of where you’re coming from and where you’re going in life
- a deeper sense of self and connection to your true soul wants & desires
- better tools and more confidence to proactively create the life of your dreams
- a tribe of supportive sisters who may become lifelong friends and cheerleaders
- a refreshed sense of creativity, curiosity and wonder with which to view the world anew

Learn more & Apply:

*No artistic talent or experience necessary.

Note: This program is NOT for you if you're scared of getting out of your comfort zone.

- Six 2-hour sessions where we'll dive into our theme for the week and may break into virtual rooms for small group exercises and discussions
- Weekly activity-based ‘assignments’ designed to cultivate community, curiosity and self-discovery
- A fun care package with supplies for the program mailed to you
- A group chat for weekly check-ins
- Discovery buddies to talk about your progress and discuss each week’s themes with
- Resources to help you continue to learn, grow and discover in between sessions and after the program is finished

* RSVPs to the event do not count until you purchase a ticket


"The program really shifted things for me. I discovered surprising things about myself that created an important shift in how I will move forward with work, daily habits and relationships… "

"This is a space where women can be safe and feel open to discuss so many things... Take this journey with Alex, you'll find all kinds of wonderful things along the way and maybe rediscover the greatest gift of all... YOU."

"Alex led the group with a perfect mix of guidance and vulnerability that I found created a safe space where we all felt seen and heard. I highly recommend the course for anyone looking for deeper connection, new insights, and a way to discover more about themselves."