Hey sister, how are you?
I mean, how are you, really?
Do you have a desire to:
Feel more joy, ease & fulfillment
Establish deeper, more meaningful relationships
Feel deeply seen, validated and supported in community
Connect more fully with your innate creativity and soul’s desires
Make a positive impact and contribution to the world around you
If you can relate to any of those statements, then you are in the right place!
In late 2015, when I first started Women of Culture, I was feeling particularly lost and alone in my life. I had a 'good', steady job at a Fortune 500 Company, a decent network of friends, a successful boyfriend, and most importantly — two adorable kittens :) There wasn't really anything 'wrong', and yet I felt a persistent and bothersome emptiness. I didn't feel very connected to myself, most of the people I knew, or the life I was leading.
The first step in my journey toward feeling more grounded and purposeful was joining a women's circle in which I felt seen, validated and supported. It helped me reconnect with myself and my deepest dreams and desires. Through consistent and collective reflection, the idea for Women of Culture was born and brought into the world thanks to the support of the women in that circle.
And this is why I created the Sisterhood of Discovery: so that I could pass on the gift of sisterhood and prevent other women from feeling as lonely, lost and without purpose as I once did. It’s a natural extension of our in-person art-full events and a place where we can continue those conversations, on a deeper and more personal level.
It’s hard to describe the magic that happens when women come together in full & authentic support of one another, but I hope you will join us to experience it for yourself!
Become a Premier member and all sessions are included in your membership!
Try it out and meet your fellow sisters IRL at our Sisterhood reunion/ intro picnic on Sunday September 17th.
Learn more & sign up here.
“This is a space where women can be safe and feel open to discuss so many things. You can build relationships, find like-minded people and even meet people who differ and that’s okay too... Sometimes I showed up as a divine mess, and I felt loved and accepted. That to me is where the wonder of this group lies. ...
Take this journey with Alex, you’ll find all kinds of wonderful things along the way and maybe rediscover the greatest gift of all... YOU.”
Simply put, the Sisterhood of Discovery online series is a place for women to come together, be fully present with one another and work together to create a life they love!
Held online via zoom every other Monday evening starting September 25th from 7-8:30pm ET, it is designed to help you bring more mindful intentionality into your life, learning from and being supported by a circle of kindred spirits with whom you can grow.
Each session runs for 90 minutes and will start with an opening ritual/invocation, followed by facilitated discussion and exercises related to the week’s theme. You can sign up for as many as few as you like, but you will receive 20% off if you sign up for all six at once. All sessions are FREE for Premier members .
This is NOT a course or lecture series but a participatory experience where attendees are encouraged to share and contribute, as much as they feel comfortable.
Fall 2023 flow:
Deep introductions, reflections & intention-setting, setting the ground rules & guidelines for co-creation of the circle. Defining the Sisterhood.
Oct 9th, Week 2: TRUTH & IDENTITY
What do you know to be true for you? Who or what has most shaped your identity? Who might you like to be that you aren’t currently being?
Oct. 23rd, Week 3: FEAR & FREEDOM
What are some ways that fear may be holding you back from feeling more free? What does freedom mean to you and how can you bring more of it into your life?
Nov 6th, Week 4: “Goodbye, Perfect” with special guest speaker
Homaira Kabir is an author and coach who teaches women to master their confidence and own their voice, purpose and impact without compromising their authenticity - you are not going to want to miss this session!
Nov 20th, Week 5 - LOVE, TRUST & ACCEPTANCE
How much do you love & trust yourself and others? What are ways that you build love & trust in others, and in yourself?
Dec 4th, Week 6 - ABUNDANCE
What is abundance to you - where does it show up in your life and where might you like to cultivate more of it?
Try it out and meet your fellow sisters, past and present, IRL at our Sisterhood reunion/ intro picnic on Sunday September 17th. Learn more & sign up here.
Each online session is $35 each, or you can book the full six-week series for $168, a 20% savings.
All sessions are FREE for Art-full PREMIER members (with sign up here)! Learn more about & join the membership here.
“The program really shifted things for me. I discovered surprising things about myself that created an important shift in how I will move forward with work, daily habits and relationships…
Alex led the group with a perfect mix of guidance and vulnerability that I found created a safe space where we all felt seen and heard. I highly recommend the course for anyone looking for deeper connection, new insights, and a way to discover more about themselves.”
What to Expect
Each week will include some visualizations, journaling, sharing and discussion around the week’s topic as well as some optional movement (think fun dance breaks meant to move energy through you and release any tension).
No artistic talent or experience necessary. The ‘creativity’ here is more about approaching your life from a creative stand-point and using the support of a community to CREATE the life you most deeply desire.
The sessions are NOT for you if you are scared of new people or experiences and don’t like getting our of your comfort zone, or talking & sharing in a small group setting. Also, you will only get out of the calls as much as you put in, and all participants are asked to make every effort to fully show up for themselves, and for one another, for each session they book.
The circle is held ONLINE via zoom and is also about going deep with a group of kindred spirits in order to awaken inspiration from within, rather than seeking it externally.
We learn from the writings and teachings of Julia Cameron ("The Artist's Way"), Elizabeth Gilbert ("Big Magic"), Glennon Doyle ("Untamed"), Eckhart Tolle ("The Power of Now"), and Brene Brown ("Daring Greatly") — among others.
If you are looking simply to meet new friends or expand your network, the Art-full membership may be more in-line with your desires. (In-person Art-full events are separate and not included in the Sisterhood.)
It’s hard to put into words the magic that happens when women come together in full & authentic support of one another, but I hope you will join us to experience it for yourself!
Sisterhood Guiding Principles
Please make sure you can agree to these guidelines before signing up for any sessions as they represent our ethos:
Be fully present in mind & body — please resist the urge to multi-task. As a sign of respect for yourself and your sisters, please turn off any other unnecessary devices & screens and give yourself the gift of focus.
Cultivate curiosity. The Sisterhood is a safe space of NON-JUDGEMENT (of oneself and others). Nothing said in the circle should be shared outside of this space without permission.
Discussions are for discovery. Ask clarifying questions, but refrain from giving unsolicited advice. Always ask someone if they are open to suggestions before assuming they do.
Lead with empathy. Deep & meaningful relationships are built through empathy, not judgement or sympathy. Find ways to empathize with your sisters and any struggles they may be dealing with.
Differences keep life interesting. If we were all the same, life would be boring. Rather than focusing on the ways we are different (as there are many!), look for similarities and commonalities with your sisters, as there are many of those as well!
Give more than you take and listen more than you talk. Please share openly but also be respectful and considerate of everyone's time. Just because someone is quiet doesn't mean they don't have a lot to say. Leave room even for those who are reticent and remember that everyone's contributions to the circle are valuable.
Sisterhood is a form of therapy but not a replacement for it. Please remember we’re not here to fix one another or even ourselves. Always seek the help and advice of a medical professional as needed.
You get to choose how deep you go. No need to go deeper than you want and no shame in holding back if you're not comfortable.
Each online session is $35 each, or you can book the full six-week series for $168, a 20% savings.
All sessions are FREE for Art-full PREMIER members (with sign up here)! Learn more about & join the membership here.
“I found Sisterhood of Discovery to be an incredibly rewarding and meaningful process. We as women are encouraged to dive deep into ourselves, to reexamine assumptions, and to work through any preconceptions that may be holding us back.”
“The Sisterhood enabled me to better know my true-self and rebuild confidence. It also presented the opportunity for connection with some amazing new ladies and made rebuilding community in NYC seem possible.”
More Feedback from Previous Participants of the circle:
“The Sisterhood of Discovery experience was very well designed and structured. Over the 8 sessions, it helped me be less judgmental with myself and approach my life and choices from a more creative perspective. It was great to dedicate 2 hours weekly to myself, and listen to other women's journey with this chaotic year. I loved the diversity and openness of the group, which allowed for different perspectives and point of views. I highly recommend participating in the 8 weeks, as a commitment to oneself and other women for various backgrounds.”
— Laura, Fall 2020 circle
"The experience helped me be more gentle with myself, give me a sense of structure in this super weird time, and form new relationships. Throughout the experience I was able to identify a lot of things I was interested in, things I want to keep learning about, doing, and giving. That in itself was incredibly meaningful for me... Having this opportunity to be creative about life in a group with others was a vehicle to recognizing the power of time and small, consistent steps. I am incredibly grateful for the experience."
— Elizabeth, Summer 2020 circle
“I loved my time during the program. Each week we had different themes and topics to explore individually as well as collectively. I loved that we had a buddy we could check in with on a weekly basis. It was a nice combination of doing some self development but in a fun and creative way. Alex does a great job facilitating the sessions and is super organized with her notes, assignments, and questions to ponder on for the week. I would recommend this program to anyone looking for community and desire to make the time to approach self-development and sisterhood in a creative and meaningful way.”
— KC, Summer 2020 circle
From the Founder:
I created the Sisterhood of Discovery in the Spring of 2020 in reaction to the pain and loneliness so many were experiencing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. I felt called to create a space where women could build deeper and more meaningful connections — the kind that can help generate self-discovery and personal growth.
Having participated in many different women’s circles in the past, I carefully crafted this experience to combine some of the personal development tools that have helped me over the course of my journey, along with what I have learned and observed from having hosted 200+ events for a community of 3,000+ women.
I want nothing more than to help other women find their tribe, connect more deeply to their truest, most authentic selves and proactively create the lives of their dreams. Because as Howard Thurman once said: “Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
— Alexandra Harper
Each online session is $35 each, or you can book the full six-week series for $168, a 20% savings.
All sessions are FREE for Art-full PREMIER members (with sign up here)! Learn more about & join the membership here.
“I want to grow in many of these areas and this experience helped put me back on the path to becoming the person I want to be.
I just want to see the sisterhood grow and become something that helps women all over the world. Women need spaces just to be human and Alex creates that. Also, the world needs more of Alex.”
Guest Speakers & Collaborators
Marie St. Germain
Founder & Lead Coach at Coaching Projects, an online coaching program for women in the arts.
Elana Bell
Elana Bell is a poet, sound practitioner, and creative guide.
Amy Jindra
Tantra Teacher, Sacred Sexuality Coach, writer and founder of Woman and Me.
Kori Burkholder
Kori Burkholder is a career coach helping young professionals transition into purpose driven, prosperous careers.
Kelly Lynn Adams
Kelly is a leadership & life coach, speaker, business strategist, healer, writer & facilitator.
Minna Taylor
Minna Taylor is a confidence coach, speaker and corporate trainer based in Brooklyn, NY.
What if I am on zoom all day for work and feel zoom-ed out?
I hear you. Luckily, the Sisterhood is completely different than being on a zoom call for work. It is for your own growth and self-discovery. A time for you to engage more deeply with like-minded women and explore new ideas and concepts - a very different experience than those boring zoom meetings for work.
I know myself pretty well - why would I join a group like this?
If you already know everything there is to know and all that you are capable of, it seems like life must be pretty boring! I truly believe we are all on a continuous journey of self-discovery, especially because we are always changing and growing, as long as we are alive.
What if I am not creative and have no creativity?
First, you certainly ARE creative - just think of all the ways you used to create when you were a child! Second, I say this program is about discovering your inner artist in a metaphorical sense and to the extent that being an artist is about being creative, resourceful, curious and observant. We will be doing exercises and activities to help us tap into our creativity and live more creative, intentional lives — but without actually creating any art.
Can you really create deep connections and grow as a person through something like this?
YES! While I am the first to advocate for IRL, in-person experiences, meeting and bonding with new people over Zoom can actually feel surprisingly authentic and intimate, if you allow it. Especially when the space, intention and consistency have been created for that exact purpose.